Conver­sa­tional AI & Chatbots

Conver­sa­tional AI & Chatbots

Real talk: Inspiring customer journeys with conver­sa­tional AI

Leverage the future of digital inter­action with clickbots, chatbots, voicebots and artificial intel­li­gence automation – best of all with natural and intuitive conver­sa­tional design!

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Menschen arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Tisch

Our Promise

We under­stand the oppor­tu­nities and risks of conver­sa­tional AI. Our approaches bring the advice online: natural inter­ac­tions that reduce service costs, increase revenue and strengthen customer relation­ships.

Smartphone mit Chat


How do dialogs become value-creating inter­ac­tions?

Speaker Yvo Richner bei Event 2022


Behav­ioral Bot Design at the Digitale Kunden­er­fahrung 2022 conference

Deep Dive

Our services in detail

Pursue a clear strategy

Work with us to develop a clear strategy for your conver­sa­tional solutions — whether clickbots, chatbots, voicebots or other AI-based automation. We work with you to find and prior­itize the right use cases, define the customer and business benefits, and create a roadmap for your project. We help you to address customers’ real problems of your customers and solve them through user-friendly dialogs.

Select suitable technology and systems

With so many technologies and systems for conver­sa­tional solutions on the market, it’s easy to choose the wrong provider as all of them promise to have the best technology. Our experi­enced experts analyze your use cases, global and regional business and IT require­ments, and the needs of your customers to find the perfect technology for you. Let us guide you through the entire selection process and benefit from our audit-proof and independent advice.

Design and implement in a behav­ioral science manner

Learn how we work with you do design and implement your behav­ioral science solution. With our proven methods, such as behav­ioral bot design with PsyCon­version® and TrustAr­chi­tecture, we take your solution to a new level. Our conver­sa­tional design always focuses on the needs of your customers and our holistic view of the customer journey ensures adoption and usage. Avoid canni­bal­ization effects and enjoy a smooth go-live with our support in technical imple­men­ta­tions, targeted user guidance, extensive testing and coordi­nated rollout plans.

After go-live: train, optimize and scale

After go-live, you need to realize the full potential of your conver­sa­tional solution. We help you to contin­u­ously improve the customer experience through semantic training, continuous testing and effective reporting. Benefit from our years of experience in managing large projects and work with us to develop your conver­sa­tional solution together. Whether you want to extend existing function­ality, introduce new use cases or scale inter­na­tionally — we can help.

Our Aspiration

Deploy conver­sa­tional AI where added value is created.

Platzhalter-Logo DAX Konzern

Experience and conversion boost
Chatbots for a DAX company

An agile evidence-based approach ensures that the chatbot delivers compelling inter­ac­tions and helps users become more likely to buy insur­ances.

Frau am Tablet

Price calcu­lation via chatbot
Selling insurance in dialog

An insurance company experi­ences the difference between person­alized price calcu­la­tions via chatbot and conven­tional online calcu­lators: conver­sa­tional AI increases sales.

Mann mit Tablet

Strategy for conver­sa­tional solutions
Global B2B company excited

Digital­izing and automating customer inter­ac­tions with conver­sa­tional AI increases global sales and reduces service efforts.

Let’s get down to business

Rainer, what does really matter?

After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
Rainer Volland

Rainer Volland

Managing Partner
