CRM & Data-Driven Marketing

CRM & Data-Driven Marketing

Data as the Foundation of Your Success

We help you align data, technology, and marketing. A 360-degree view of your customers for sustainable customer relation­ships and profitability.

Our Services


Analysis & Audit

We help you under­stand the data maturity of your organi­zation, providing the foundation for a compre­hensive data strategy.

Strategy & Vison

Together, we develop an actionable and measurable roadmap that defines clear tactics to achieve your strategy and vision. Our goal is to build sustainable customer relation­ships and make the most of your data.

Concept devel­opment

We develop tailored concepts that translate your business strategy into concrete actions and technologies. We ensure that every step is perfectly aligned with your specific needs.

Marketing & Activation

Trans­ferring your strategy into opera­tional execution. We support you from planning to imple­men­tation, both as consul­tants and active partic­i­pants. This way, you reach your target audiences efficiently and sustainably.

Change & Organi­zation

We support you in building future-proof struc­tures and processes within your organi­zation, using agile management, effective processes, and targeted training.

Convinced? Get in touch with us now.

Or learn more in our deep dive.

Deep DIve

We & You – Together for Your Success. Discover here in detail what you can achieve.

Analysis & Audit

We help you thoroughly evaluate your current data and technology processes. With our Customer-Driven Marketing Audit (CDM), we assess the efficiency of your data structure in relation to your business objec­tives. Through the Digital Maturity Assessment, we determine your company’s data and digital­ization maturity level to enhance innovation and compet­i­tiveness. At the same time, we analyze your perfor­mance marketing activ­ities to identify optimization oppor­tu­nities. By analyzing your processes with a focus on customer relation­ships, we determine your Relationship Commerce maturity level and assist you in both strength­ening customer loyalty and maximizing revenue.

Strategy & Vision

For long-term success, a clear, data-driven strategy is essential. We assist you in devel­oping a customer-focused CRM vision that fosters lasting relation­ships. Furthermore, we collab­orate on a person­al­ization strategy to tailor your customer engagement effec­tively. With a first-party data strategy, we help you operate in a privacy-compliant and efficient manner. Additionally, we create well-founded business cases for the imple­men­tation of CRM systems, ensuring you gain the maximum benefit.

Concept devel­opment

We translate your business strategy into concrete actions and technologies. Through a tailored audience framework, we ensure targeted engagement with your audiences. Based on individual needs, we develop person­alized use cases that strengthen your customer relation­ships. Our digital marketing strategy enables you to effec­tively reach your target groups across various channels. Additionally, we ensure that handling customer consents is both user-friendly and legally compliant.

Marketing & Activation

To efficiently reach and retain your target audiences in the long term, we take a holistic approach to optimizing your marketing efforts. By devel­oping tailored campaigns based on detailed personas, you can address your customers with precision. Our customer scoring helps you evaluate the value of your customers and plan targeted actions. We also provide opera­tional support in campaign execution, whether by managing external agencies effec­tively or assisting you in building an in-house team.

Change & Organi­zation

Adapt­ability is essential. Your organi­zation must under­stand, contribute to, implement, and live digital trans­for­ma­tions every day. We support you in adopting agile management methods, enabling you to respond flexibly to market changes. Through custom-designed training concepts, we prepare your employees for upcoming changes. Clear role profiles and efficient organi­za­tional struc­tures ensure that your internal processes run smoothly. Additionally, we implement opera­tional dashboards that allow for continuous analysis and devel­opment of your customers and organi­zation.

Ready for a free & non-binding first consul­tation?

Our Promise

Strength­ening customer relation­ships in the face of techno­logical and legal changes

Datenstrom, der sich konsolidiert


Data chaos! What does a successful data strategy look like today?

Customer project

Person­al­ization strategies based on first party data

Our aspiration

We don’t like to talk about ourselves. But our customers do.

Rainer Schennach

“elaboratum was able to show a very strong knowledge in the legal area as well as in the tool and data area. Also humanly a clear recom­men­dation from me.”

Rainer Schennach
Head of Omni-Channel Customer Intel­li­gence, ADAC SE
Eddy Perner

“Finding the right CRM agency requires carefully recorded require­ments, extensive market knowledge, clear briefings and a struc­tured decision-making process. The elaboratum team supported us signif­i­cantly with a high level of commitment.”

Eddy Perner
Head of Consumer Engagement Program, Ferrero Deutschland GmbH
Logo Calida
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Logo Nürnberger Versicherung
Logo Atupri
Logo Ferrero
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Logo Marc O'Polo
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Learn how to better under­stand your customers and make better decisions.

Jasmin Altenhofen

Jasmin Altenhofen
Senior Director
+49 151 209 861 43

Leverage your data as the key to informed decisions and long-term profitability. Let’s set the course for sustainable customer relation­ships together. Contact me now for a no-oblig­ation consul­tation.

Best regards,

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    Let’s get down to business

    Rainer, what does really matter?

    After >1,000 projects for >350 customers, we know the real success factors in digital business: scalable technologies, a meaningful database and behav­ioral insights for true user under­standing. Whoever masters this wins the game.
    Rainer Volland

    Rainer Volland

    Managing Partner
